Masturbation is good, and good for you! 4 Min Read

Masturbation is a topic shrouded in stigma and taboo. Well taboo, shamoo! No matter what your upbringing, religion or internet forums may have told you, masturbation is good, and good for you. We need to recognise the numerous benefits of self-love. As masturbation is not just a good time and sexual release for sad lonely singletons, it also has many physical and mental health advantages. For everyone!

Masturbation is a natural and safe way to explore…

It allows you to become more familiar with your own body, preferences, and sexual responses. This self-awareness can help boost your self-confidence and body positivity. If you don’t know what turns you on, how can you communicate what you like to a sexual partner! Exploring and understanding yourself can improve how you communicate what you like to others, and so improve all your sexual experiences.


And just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you shouldn’t masturbate either!

Unless your libido is perfectly synchronised with your partner’s at all times (yeah right!), then meeting needs through masturbation can help to relieve tension (yours and between you), as well as take some pressure off the partner with the lower sex drive.

Plus, mutual masturbation can be fun if you’re into it. Not only can it be a massive turn on to masturbate in sync with your partner (co-sturbate?), but if you try watching each other, you will learn what turns each other on. Have you ever thought to yourself “I’ve told my partner I do/don’t enjoy something” but they still don’t do/do it? Maybe you need to show them! After all, there are 4 core learning styles and one of them is “visual”. Read that bit again in case your preferred learning style isn’t reading/writing!

Whatever the current state of your sexual relationship, it’s healthy to talk about masturbation.


Masturbation equals better sex!

Do you practice your skills, or train in the gym? Of course you do, so why should this be any different? Masturbation strengthens your pelvic floor muscles. Stronger pelvic floor means more powerful orgasms and reduced risk of urinary incontinence for vulva owners.

For penis owners, masturbating regularly has been proven to improve stamina, and give stronger, longer erections and more powerful orgasms. Climax control can also be improved through experimentation of different techniques, and a pre match solo session can help to prevent peaking too early.

Win, win!


There are more physical and mental health benefits too!

Masturbation has also been linked to improved sleep quality!

The release of dopamine and oxytocin (feel-good hormones) during masturbation can induce feelings of relaxation, leading to better sleep. Better sleep has a positive impact on overall health and well-being. Enough said, we all need more sleep!

Masturbation helps reduce stress and makes you feel happier!

Those same feel-good hormones reduce stress, and so masturbation is a natural stress-reliever and can alleviate feelings of anxiety and depression. Seems like a good reason to turn blue Monday into masturbation Monday.


Masturbation relieves pain!

As well as the benefits of the feel-good hormones, climaxing releases endorphins, which impact the processing and perception of pain. Orgasms also stimulate blood circulation and metabolism, relaxing the muscles. It all adds up to more comfort overall, and studies have shown a specific and significant impact of masturbation in relieving menstrual cramps.


Masturbation can boost your immune system!

Research has found that masturbation increases the number of leukocytes (white blood cells) during climax. These immune boosting cells help fight infection.


Masturbation may prevent prostate cancer!

For penis owners, ejaculation flushes out toxins and potentially harmful bacteria from the prostate gland. Additionally, it can help to remove any potentially cancerous cells from the prostate and keep it healthy.


Masturbation is self-care!

In a world that constantly tells us we should do more to care for ourselves, masturbation is an easy solution for spending more time with yourself in a healthy pursuit. As therapist Sarah Mandel writes, 'Masturbation is a healthy way to learn to self-soothe and self-nurture and can be an integral part of an individual's mental health care routine'. And just because it’s a solo practice doesn’t mean you can’t indulge yourself. Dim the lights, light that candle you’ve been saving, put on your sexiest undies, and put on that get jiggy playlist…


The moral of the story:

Feeling sad? Masturbate. In pain? Masturbate. Want to improve your sex life? Masturbate. Stressed out? Masturbate. Can’t sleep? Masturbate. Can’t afford a spa day? Masturbate. Partner not up for it tonight? Masturbate. Getting a cold? Masturbate.

Given all the benefits, why wouldn’t you do it more?

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