1.Foreplay All Day

Kiss them goodbye with a big hint about what will happen when you see each other later! Then send sexy texts or pictures throughout the day. By the time you come back together, it won’t take long for you to come together!


2. Dessert On You

Fruit, chocolate sauce, ice cream, flavoured lube and you, naked.

Beats Viennetta any day!


3. Good Vibes

You may already have tried using a sex toy with your partner, but have you tried something specifically designed for use with a partner? Get things buzzing in the bedroom with a new toy, designed for couples.

Shop Toys for Couples


4. Initiate

Not normally the one to kick things off? Maybe a lack of confidence holds you back. Take some time for self-care and slip into some sexy undies. Give your partner a cheeky spank or pinch on the bum, a whisper a dirty thought, give them a proper good snog, or simply stripping off and show them those sexy keks should do the job. Give it a go!


5. Tell a Story

Buy yourself an erotic novel and read a passage aloud to your sexy playmate. Or for a hands-free option buy a suggestive audiobook to play, so you can also play! Try reenacting what the character are doing for extra spice!

6. Rev the Engine

Jump in the backseat and steam up those windows. But make sure to pick your spot, before you tickle your own!


7. Heat it Up

Or cool it down! Play with cooling or warming lubes, ice or massage candles. Take it to the next level with metal toys that hold the heat or stay cold.  

Shop Sensation Lubes or Shop Metal & Glass


8. Explore Kinks

Paddles and whips, collars and cuffs, masks and nipple clamps, oh my!

Shop Metal & Glass or Shop Kink


9. Set the Mood

Crack open a bottle, light a candle, pour the massage oil and get rubbing. Try using everything but your hands* for the massage to really turn up the sexy!

*warning: watch out for slippage when you both get really oily!

Shop Massage


10. Get a Room

Book a hotel room. For extra spice, meet there, in the bar, pretend you are strangers meeting for first time and see what happens…

You could use the opportunity to play out a roleplay fantasy you’ve both always wanted to try or just rock up and go with the flow. Either way, it’ll likely reignite the sparks from when you first met.


Whatever you try to spice things up, always remember to ensure your partner consents when trying something new, flirt and have fun!